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Opportunities for Reducing the Intensity of Water Consumption in the Australian Dairy Processing Sector

  • Opportunities to Reduce Water Intensity

    PDF1.09 MB

Australian dairy processors are striving towards improved sustainability and corporate responsibility through reduced water intensity in their production processes. As part of this, they have voluntarily committed to reduction targets with respect to a number of environmental indicators through their participation in the Australian Dairy Industry’s Sustainability Framework. This study is intended to assist dairy processors in the task of achieving these targets by providing information about emerging technologies that have potential to assist dairy processors in their pursuit of reducing the economic and environmental cost of water use. A large range of technologies and techniques were considered for their potential to reduce water intensity, covering a wide range of areas involved in the dairy process. These were then filtered to produce a list of forty-six potentially promising technologies. Fourteen technologies were then short-listed based on a set of selection criteria and examined further through discussions with Dairy Australia to identify and prioritise eight key technologies of interest. These are detailed within this report.

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