Have you been affected by the floods? Resources available.
Watch for signs of Foot and Mouth Disease and Lumpy Skin Disease. View more information

Growing Forage Crops

Home grown pasture and forage utilisation is a key driver of farm profitability. Dairy Australia's projects in this area support research, development and extension to improve the profitability of pasture and forage crop management.

Successful establishment of pasture and crops is imperative for optimum production of the forage.

The following pages and PDF resources below contain valuable information on choosing the right crop, establishing a crop, crop growth and weeds, pests and diseases to consider.


  • Chicory factsheet

    PDF1.64 MB
  • pasture establishment success factsheet

    PDF2.65 MB
  • Buying fodder its a domestic market 2010

    PDF519.36 KB
  • millet and sorghum summer cropping options

    PDF298.74 KB

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