Murray Dairy
The Murray Dairy region
The Murray Dairy region, spanning northern Victoria and southern New South Wales, is one of Australia’s most productive dairy areas, producing 1,872 million litres of milk with a farmgate value of $902 million in 2018–19.
The region offers productive land and resources, a modernised public irrigation network, a diverse services sector, competition for supply between major milk companies and specialised processors and good links to Melbourne and other dairying regions.
The region’s diverse geography and climate is matched by its dairy farmers’ diverse farming systems. In response to changing climate, policy and market influences, the Murray Dairy region’s dairy farmers have worked to create highly adaptable and resilient dairy farming businesses.
The need for farming systems change is emerging as the key issue and priority across the region. Ultimately, the ability for the industry to remain profitable and sustainable will depend on the capacity for change and the skills and capability of both farmers and the service sector to drive adaptation in farm businesses across the region.
Murray Dairy Future Focus Report 2019
What is Murray Dairy?
Murray Dairy is a Regional Development Program (RDP) established by Dairy Australia to coordinate practical, regionally-relevant research, development, extension and education services for the region, in partnership with local organisations and service providers.
Murray Dairy is made up of a team of extension and communication staff delivering programs in the areas of:
- Animal Performance
- Feedbase and Animal Nutrition
- Land, Water and Climate
- People and Workforce Development
- Farm Business Management
Murray Dairy's strategy and programs are overseen by a Board of Directors. The Board receives input through representative regional committees such as the Regional Extension and Education Committee.
In 2018–19, Murray Dairy delivered over 160 events to over 3,000 participants, including farm owners, farm employees, students and service providers.
Murray Dairy Committees
Murray Dairy Achievement Report 2018–19
Murray dairy achievements report 2018 19
PDF, 1.29 MB
Dairy Australia’s investment in all RDPs is determined by the region’s milk production, with additional funding provided to respond to seasonal conditions. The dairy levy funds a range of services including research, development, extension and the promotion and protection of the dairy industry’s interests within Australia and internationally.
Murray Dairy works with government, industry organisations and local businesses to bring additional resources and expertise to the region. In 2018–19, for every $1 of levy funds contributed to local projects, Murray Dairy leveraged an additional $4 from partner organisations.
Regional Team Murray Dairy
- Regional office