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Dairybiz100 Unlock potential profit

As a pilot programme, Subtropical Dairy has developed a series of resources and tools to help northern Australian dairy businesses estimate the potential profit from making a change to their business.  

These can be found at The resources are called DairyBiz+100 and have the common theme of calculating what change is needed to make an additional $100 dairy operating profit (or EBIT - earnings before interest and tax) per cow per year, regardless of where a business is at. Initially we have chosen three key management areas that can have a significant impact on a farm’s bottom line: Grazing Management, Reproductive Management and Feed Wastage. Within each of these disciplines there are several resources:

  • A calculator to estimate the potential financial benefit
  • Case studies
  • A summary of best and key practices
  • A checklist to see how a business is tracking and help decide if these changes are right for a particular situation

Please bear in mind that these tools and resources are just the first step in understanding the potential of making a change. The tools are basic calculators that may not capture the unique aspects of a business, or tell what other impacts the change may have on another part of a business. Further advice should be sought.

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