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Managing Farm Carbon Workshop - Expression of Interest


Thursday, 31st October 2024

9:00AM - 12:00PM
Australia See map
Admit One / $0.00 AUD per person

Would you like to know more about carbon and the Australian Dairy Carbon Calculator?

GippsDairy is currently seeking your interest in running Managing Farm Carbon Workshops across Gippsland.

These workshops will be interactive and informative, with discussion around on-farm activities to effectively manage your emissions. They will also provide the opportunity to learn what others are already implementing.

After completing these workshops, you will leave with:

  • A clear understanding of why the dairy industry is tracking its greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Insight into how emissions accounting directly impacts dairy farms at a business level, and identify actionable steps you can take now.
  • Recognition of the primary factors and farm inputs influencing your greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Familiarity with the Australian Dairy Carbon Calculator, including its appearance and how to use it to calculate your farm emissions.
  • Access to valuable information and ongoing support to explore and comprehend your farm's emissions footprint.

To register your interest, complete the registration form below. Expressions of interest close Thursday, 31 October 2024.

*Please note, this is an expression of interest only. You will be contacted at a later date to confirm the venue location and date.*

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