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DairyGains Victorian guidelines

  • DairyGains Victorian guidelines

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DairyGains (Dairy, Government and Industry Nutrient Strategy) is an on-farm dairy effl uent project with the key aims of improving the management of effl uent, sustaining management into the long term, minimising environmental impacts and increasing nutrient effi ciency. These guidelines were developed under the auspices of DairyGains to unify information on dairy effl uent management. These guidelines are intended to provide dairy farmers and service providers in Victoria with a clear and concise overview of their environmental management requirements and industry expectations in regards to effl uent management. The information in these guidelines is a collation of the existing environmental requirements and examples of best management practises that apply to both established and new dairy farms. The guidelines focus on the outcomes expected from legislative requirements and industry, and provide practical examples in each section on how this can be achieved. This focus takes into account that each farm is unique with different individual circumstances such as physical, fi nancial and management preferences.

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