Western Dairy
Western Australia
Western Australia is home to 140 dairy farms that operate, on average, the largest herds in the country. This phenomenon together with the industry’s geographic isolation and pasture-dominated dairy systems provide the basis for Western Dairy’s set of priorities and projects.
WA produced approximately 374 million litres of milk in 2018–19 WA, representing about 4.3% of national milk production.
What is Western Dairy?
Western Dairy is a not-for-profit organisation funded by dairy farmer levies which are matched by the Australian Government and channeled through Dairy Australia. Western Dairy’s activities are supported by additional funding partnerships led by the WA Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD).
Western Dairy’s Research, Development and Extension Hub, co-funded by Dairy Australia and DPIRD, manages several dairy science projects which are integrated with dairy extension and communication. Investing in unique locally-based research activities including pasture seed performance, smarter irrigation and dairy effluent management is helping to increase farmer knowledge and improve business productivity and profitability.
Western Dairy values relationships with the WAFarmers Dairy Section, South Regional TAFE, South West Development Commission, Department of Water and Environmental Regulation, and the South West Catchments Council.