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Dairy farm plastics recycling target receives Federal funding boost

The dairy industry’s target to recycle 100% of plastic silage wrap waste on farms by 2030 has received a big boost, with the award of $965,400 grant to Dairy Australia from the Commonwealth Government’s National Product Stewardship Investment Fund.

The funding has been awarded by the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment to develop a collection and recycling system for plastic wrapping used for silage making on farms.

Australian Dairy Industry Council President Terry Richardson said the grant will accelerate a key recycling target within the Australian Dairy Industry Sustainability Framework, which sets agreed sustainability commitments across dairy farming and manufacturing.

“This Federal Government grant will accelerate our ambitious target to recycle 100% of plastic wrapping used in silage making on farms each year. It will enable us to set up collection infrastructure across dairy regions and we are also assessing opportunities to partner with other collection schemes to maximise efficiency of transporting waste to recycling centres.”

Dairy Australia prepared the grant funding submission on behalf of the industry and will be responsible for rolling-out the new recycling scheme via its network of eight regional offices. Managing Director David Nation said: “We thank the Government for this funding, which will support a nationwide approach to eliminating the environmental impact of farm plastics over the next decade.

“As part of this project we will work closely with key stakeholders including suppliers, plastics re-processors, farmers, and other successful stewardship schemes to ensure that the systems developed remain practical for farmers and commercially realistic for all involved.

“Our industry’s sustainability framework provides the transparency needed to give the community confidence that our industry is taking responsible action now and in the future,” Dr. Nation said.

Assistant Minister for Waste Reduction and Environmental Management, Trevor Evans, congratulated Dairy Australia on their successful initiative: “This funding will support Dairy Australia to develop a new recycling scheme to help farmers keep single use plastic silage wrap out of landfill.

“This is one of 15 schemes that will move the dial in Australia as we shift our mindsets to see our waste as a valuable resource. The Morrison Government’s seed funding, along with the reforms in our Recycling Act, empowers industry to take more responsibility for the entire lifecycle of the products they produce and sell,” Assistant Minister Evans said.

Download the Australian Dairy Industry Sustainability Report 2019.

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